
Google Adsense Hack: Automated Section Targetting for bloggers!

If you are a blogger showing Google Adsense ads, then this time I really got a awesome trick which worked well for me! This increased my Adsense earning with the help of section targeting!

Some Basics:
Adsense ads are loaded dynamically according to content of page! Now post people comes to your page to read post (probably they are coming via Google searching for some information). In this regard ads should be targeted to content of your post!The Newbies Way…
Google provides following HTML comment tags to implement section targeting,

<!– google_ad_section_start –>

…….. your post …….

<!– google_ad_section_end –>

So at every time you are writing a post you have to make sure that you write your post between above two HTML comment tags!

You can automate this in two ways!
There are two ways to do this as explained below. The first way will work for all blogspot blogger while second one is for blogger beta user! Similar hacks can be applied for any blogging platform (e.g. wordpress, movableType, Typepad, etc).

#1. Formatting Post Template: (for all blogspot blogger)

  • Go to Settings >> Formatting >> Post Template
  • In text box there add following codes as it is!

Source by :
at 12 april 2007

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