
4 Ways To Get Yourself Continously Inspired With Content Publishing By: Jo Han Mok

Do find it hard to create quality content for your site?

Quality content keeps the visitors reading and the more they read it, the more they'll trust you.

Getting people to trust you as an expert is something you should strive for. Being known and trusted as an expert has been known to increase your site's credibility, subscribers, and most importantly, sales.

However, banging your head on the wall and pulling out your hair is not going to help solve your problems on how to find quality content.

Here are the steps to make sure you never run out of ideas for you to write about:

1.Reminisce An Event

Flash back to an event you had attended quite some time ago. It can be a seminar, a competition or a workshop. Give a review about it and tell your visitors what you have learnt from the event. You can also put down your ideas of what you are going to do next now that you have learnt something new.

Make your article seem like it is a dialogue session between you and your vistor to make things seem more personal than uncomfortable.

2.Get Newsworthy

Read the news or any article in your local newspaper that you find interesting and relevant to talk about in your blog. If you don't want to get your bum off in front of your computer, you can just look at various news websites such as CNN or Google News. Find something in the news that is relevant to the business niche that you are in.

For example, if your site is about weight loss, you can talk about a new scientific breakthrough on how to lose weight. The news has tons of information about almost everything. Find them and write great content about it.

3.Acknowledge Your Reader's Comments

Encourage your readers to comment on your blog posts or to email you with questions that they want answers to. What you should do is to check your email and find out what are the common questions that your visitors ask, and you can then write a blog post about it to answer their questions. It's as simple as that!


Create an announcement that will intrigue your readers. It can be an announcement about an upcoming seminar, a product launch or an event that you feel that your vistors should be a part of. When you're announcing something, make sure that you're announcing the event excitedly. It is a part of a psychological tactic to make your readers curious and continue to read on whatever it is you're blabbering about.

These four tactics can help you increase your level of ability to create content. So whatever writer's block you face, have faith in getting ways to get inspired to create good content for your visitors.

About Jo Han Mok
Jo Han Mok is the author of the #1 international business bestseller, The E-Code. He shares his amazing blueprint for creating million dollar internet businesses at:

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